Lastest Blogs

11 diciembre 2020 By Bravo Java

Why every man needs a pair of Chelsea Boots

Bravo Java shares why everyone needs a pair of Chelsea boots for men. Learn how to elevate your style with this classic shoe that goes with...
10 diciembre 2020 By Bravo Java

Why leather is the best material for quality shoes

Bravo Java shares why leather shoes are the best choice for quality footwear. Enjoy comfort and durability by investing in top-quality leather...
04 diciembre 2020 By Bravo Java

How to wear snake print shoes all year round

Bravo Java shares how to wear snake print shoes all year round. From formal events to a night out with friends, your snake print footwear is sure...
02 diciembre 2020 By Bravo Java

Why fashion riding boots aren't just for horse lovers

When autumn and winter roll around, riding boots become a stylish staple for any woman's wardrobe. It makes the ideal accessory for its combination...
28 septiembre 2020 By Bravo Java

The new trend for Men’s Oxford shoes and Derby styles

Learn about Oxfords, Derbies, and other lace-up men’s shoes to discover why these options have stayed on-trend through the centuries.
28 septiembre 2020 By Bravo Java

Boots and ankle boots: the perfect look for this winter

Learn which shoes are on trend this winter. With Bravo Java, you’re sure to find boots and trendy ankle boots that offer comfort, quality, and...
28 septiembre 2020 By Bravo Java

Ladies’ court shoes - the latest trends in Spain and beyond

Learn the different trends for this classic style. From low heel court shoes to granny shoes and high-heeled options, you’ll love these versatile...
28 septiembre 2020 By Bravo Java

Slingbacks make a comeback in 2020

What are slingback shoes? Bravo Java shows the best ways to wear this trendy shoe to add a fun and feminine element to your 2020 wardrobe.
12 agosto 2020 By Bravo Java

Loafers: the most stylish and comfortable shoe of 2020

Learn about loafer shoes for men and women, and discover how Bravo Java shoe shop is crafting quality pairs while staying true to their values.
12 agosto 2020 By Bravo Java

Trainers: the most comfortable trend of the season

Discover fashion’s most comfortable trend yet: activewear you can add to any look. Browse Bravo Java’s online shoe store to find your perfect...
12 agosto 2020 By Bravo Java

The espadrille: Spain’s summer footwear icon

Whether you’re looking for men’s casual shoes or a beach-style summer shoe for women, Spain’s classic espadrille is the answer.
Showing 14 - 26 of 27 items
